Pack 179’s season starts with Tie Dye Night – the boys make their activity shirt that they wear throughout the year at meetings and times when the full Field Uniform does not make sense.

All boys are expected to come to make their own shirt.

Instructions on shirt handling are located in the Pack Files Site.


The location of Tuesday’s Tie-Dye/Registration Night has changed due to an unavoidable scheduling conflict.

Our meeting will be Tuesday, October 3rd at Haddon Township High School from 6:30 to 8:00.

We will be outside for our tie-dying. Please dress your boys for the weather. Remember this is registration as well; the cost is $75 per child for the year. Please, feel free to contact me with any questions.

Looking forward to a fun night and a great year of scouting,

Jeff McDonald
Cubmaster, Pack 179

Schedule for October 3rd Registration/Tie-Die Night
6:30 K-1st Grade
6:50 2nd Grade
7:10 3rd Grade
7:30 4th & 5th Grades
If you have multiple boys, you can bring them all at the same time.
Please remember to bring a gallon size zip-lock bag with your child’s name on it. Once you have registered and dyed a shirt, you can head home.