Webelos 1&2 are invited to join Troop #179 at the GSC Klondike Derby on January 28th!

Depending on the number of confirmations, the Webelos will either embed with some of the Troop Patrols and accompany them for a couple of stations, or they will do a small subset of events on their own. It’s a ton of fun!

Any Webelo that attends must have a parent follow full-time. The registration is $15 per boy, and they will receive a special Klondike 2017 patch as well as a knit participant hat.

Did we mention, it’s a ton of fun?  🙂

The full events list is not shared until the day of the event, but competing units can encompass any number of Scoutcraft skills, with a focus on teamwork:

  • Camp Cooking
  • Camp Health
  • Camp Preparation
  • Cleanup
  • Edible Wild Plants
  • Finding Directions
  • Fire Building
  • First aid
  • Hiking
  • Knowing Trees and Shrubs
  • Lashings
  • Map Reading
  • Map Sketching
  • Preparing Firewood
  • Selecting [a] Campsite
  • Signaling
  • Swimming (probably not going to happen haha)
  • Tent Pitching
  • Use of [a] Compass
  • Using [an] Axe or Saw in Camp
  • Wildlife


Registration files/forms can be downloaded from the Troop’s OneDrive space.

Come with forms completed to the Troop meeting on January 26th, as well as one or two cans of tomato-based or chicken-based soup.


Email bsa179@outlook.com and cc: cubscoutpack179@outlook.com if you’re interested!